About BootCaT

Initially designed as a set of Unix-based scripts to help trainee translators build disposable corpora for specific translation tasks, the BootCaT toolkit has gained popularity outside the classroom, becoming one of the most widely used tools to build web-derived corpora.

Its applications have gone way beyond the original purposes for which it was built, ranging from the construction of relatively small ad hoc corpora, e.g. for lexicographic tasks or for descriptive studies of specialized language varieties, to more ambitious research efforts aiming to provide large reference corpora for multiple languages.

Recently, the potential of BootCaT as a research, didactic and professional tool has also been boosted by the availability of user-friendly interfaces, which have contributed to bringing it closer to the needs of less technically-minded users (cf. the web-based version integrated in the SketchEngine or the downloadable standalone application).

More information on BootCaT is available here.

© Copyright 2013 - Alma Mater Studiorum - UniversitĂ  di Bologna - Campus di Forlì
Updated 6/05/2013